Monday, January 21, 2013

cut cut cut

so on sunday i noticed my thumb nail had cracked, i have no idea how it happened.  it was at work and i couldn't put a wrap on it.  by the time i got home there was no saving it.

i'm ocd about having them all the same size, so all of my nails got a good cut sunday.   i'm guessing no water marbles for a while for me lol.  i will probably try to keep them around half of the length of my last post.  i haven't had any issues with them breaking at that length.

i'll keep posting manicures, but these nails are nubbins for a while :(


  1. I sorry! I had an attack of the nubbins myself recently & am at the 'chop'em back so the nubbin can catch up' stage myself. At least nails grow back! <3

    1. sucks, but that's what happens when you don't have acrylics LOL

      i go crazy if they're at different lengths, so they all got cut down. sucks because they were looking good for months. oh well. starting over ;)

    2. My nail beds & acrylics don't get along. I've tried them, but found dealing with my own wonky nails much easier.

      I can't stand it either! Even having the others at tip length while the pinky nub catches up bugs me. lol I'm just glad mine have grown out enuf to start undercoating them again.
